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Now firmly established in international motorsport, has become Europe’s number 1 provider of transport solutions for motorsport teams. Rental of race trailers including 24/7 mobility service, sales of new and used race trailers, financial lease of race trailers  and an innovative platform for teams to sell or buy used race trailers: it is all provided by

Factory & showroom

Nijverheidsweg 35
7671 DA Vriezenveen
The Netherlands

Office: +31 85 782 09 99
After sales, Jet Polman: +31 611 16 08 94
Market Manager, Ferry Spijkerman: +31 653 44 82 63
Sales & Marketing, Annemieke Hulzebos +31 621 99 72 72


Terms and Conditions

Bank details

R2R Communications B.V.

Trading under the name

Bank: ING
IBAN: NL08 INGB 0004725231
Chamber of Commerce: 08126702
VAT number: NL 8182 89 648 B01

  • Racetrailer Headquarters
  • Circuit
    Click to view circuit

Send us a message

  • Please fill in your full telephone number including your country code.

Offering you help and advice

If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contact us for a quote, please call or send an email we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What we don’t have:

  • Impressive office building
  • Large staff
  • Expensive advertising campaigns
  • Impressive photo-shoots and video clips
  • Resellers or dealers
  • Over-engineered race trailers
  • Custom build race trailers
  • Overpriced race trailers
  • Big profit margins
  • Expensive race trailers…

Racing is already expensive enough, why should we make it even more expensive?

+31 85 782 09 99
Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm | Sat: 10am - 2pm